Sunday, November 1, 2009

Then Uk - December Childrens Draw

Just thought I would announce that our children's draw for December will take place on the first Saturday of the month instead of the last Saturday of the month and on this day Saturday 5th December the draw fund will total £50.
The £50 will be split into:
1st Prize £25
2nd Prize £15
3rd Prize £10
The children used to have the choice of picking from a huge page of gifts in that price range
But as all of them went for the cash alternative this draw will be cash too (cheque).
Your child needs to be a member of Then Uk to be in this draw,
The draw is automatic to ALL the members children, no entry is required
Should they win, IT MUST BE CLAIMED so we know who to make the cheque payable to.
A lot of prizes have gone unclaimed hence the amount at hand for the December draw.
For details of how to join us please see our website at:
Or go direct:

(Click Here to Know More)

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